
With a father as a classical contemporary composer, Babette was immersed from birth in a world of music, including the modern sounds of the 20th and 21st centuries. This unique heritage has given her a special gift: the ability to harmoniously combine various musical styles and composers in her performances with a special highlight for the Belgian heritage.

Babette is praised by many for her beautiful touché on the keyboard, broad musicality and expressiveness. Her musical journey reflects a unique connection to a rich musical heritage.

Playing Beethoven's first pianoconcerto with orchestra in Amuz at age 17
During recordings in the white hall at DeSingel
Pre-recital picture at Willem Twee Toonzaal in Tilburg (NL)
Recital in the white hall at DeSingel
During recital of PianoFest
© Yoshie Kuwayama
During recital of PianoFest
© Yoshie Kuwayama
During recital of PianoFest
© Yoshie Kuwayama

Babette has a passion for all forms of collaboration: you can regularly see her as a freelancer in multiple projects in all different settings. She collaborated with Muziektheater Transparant and created a production called 'Virginia' with Wouter van Looy, was repetiteur and coach in multiple staged productions with singers, played in multiple orchestras, was part of many interdisciplinary projects, is part of diverse chambermusic-ensembles and participates in different Liedduos as the set pianist.

Ensemble XXI with Frank Agsteribbe conducting
© Kevin de Borger
Brahms trio with Laia Ruiz and Oriol Estivill
Staged production of La Clemenza di Tito with conductor Martynas Stakionis
Staged production of La Clemenza di Tito with conductor Martynas Stakionis
Celesta in Sinfonietta Vlaanderen with conductor Edwig Abrath
Bachelorexam of dancer Machias Bosschaert
© Bart Boodts
In concert with Psallentes and Hendrik van den Abeele
Liedduo Strijbos-Craens after the debut-recital in Beaujean
© Wiktoria Swidzinska
Playing piano forte for the recitativos in Don Giovanni
Shot of production 'Virginia' in cooperation with Muziektheater Transparant and Wouter van Looy