
Lied is an intimate way of making music where poems are set to music and then performed by a classical singer and a pianist, and falls directly under the genre of chambermusic.

Babette discovered a passion for Lied in the classes of Lucienne van Deyck, Jozef de Beenhouwer and later Aäron Wajnberg.

Ever since she worked with multiple singers on diverse repertoire and forms two set liedduos with soprano Fleur Strijbos and mezzo-soprano Herlinde van de Straete with whom she performs in concert internationally. 

Babette participated in masterclasses with esteemed Liedpianists and -singers like Joseph Middleton, Malcolm Martineau, Roger Vignoles, Susan Manoff, Hans Eijsackers, Anthony Spiri , Christianne Stotijn, Christiane Karg and many more. She was selected  for the Udo Reinemann International Masterclasses with both lied duos and is part of the database of 'Vrienden van het Lied' since 2024.

Liedduo Strijbos - Craens

Babette and Belgian soprano Fleur Strijbos share a passion for Lied and thanks to their deep musical connection, they decided to form a Liedduo in 2022.

They have been selected for the 'Udo Reinemann Masterclasses Lied Duo 2022-2023' and the semi-final of 'Supernova ​2024' – the competition for young Belgian chamber music ensembles by Klara (radio). They perform concerts in Belgium ​and abroad. In March 2023, they made their debut concert appearance during the 'Young Masters' concert by Beaujean-​Live. Since 2024, they are part of ‘Vrienden van het Lied’.

Inspired by their deep appreciation for poetry and lyrical melodies, Babette en Fleur discover shared resonance across ​every facet of the Lied-repertoire in mostly Romantic repertoire. As a duo, they receive recognition for the excellence of their performances, leaving a lasting ​impact on many.

Liedduo Van de Straete - Craens

Babette and mezzo-soprano Herlinde van de Straete met at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp and form a set liedduo since 2019 thanks to their personal and musical connection. Eager to explore both the Romantic liedrepertoire and that of the 20th century, they look forward to performing contemporary works as well.

Babette and Herlinde graduated in the Liedclass of Lucienne Van Deyck, Jozef De Beenhouwer and Aäron Wajnberg with highest distinction when performed Alban Berg's 4 Lieder Op.2 on their final recital. 

Babette and Herlinde have performed nationally for several occasions and played together in collaboration with Muziektheater Transparant under the supervision of Wouter van Looy in production 'Virginia'

Right now they have been selected for the Udo Reinemann International Masterclasses 2024-2025 and are focused on putting together a concerting program which you will hear very soon.